I currently have a display of faeries at the Canisteo Elementary School. My intent was to take a book and make it alive for the children to encourage them to read and use their own imaginations. These faeries are 4" tall..I used a body pattern by Cindee Moyer...my normal sculptures are in the range of 15" to 30"...something this tiny was a true challenge! Although the same pattern was used for all the bodies..none are exactly alike....embellishments, garments and even their "hair" differ. I used a photo of butterfly wings that was in a coloring book then painted them using watercolor pencils. I have told the children that these sculptures are Art and not Toys...never to be played with but to be admired and treasured because that's what people do with Art. One little girl told me the faeries talked to her.....my reply was well "they talk to me too!" The request for a new display is being considered...it was suggested I do "Alice in Wonderland"....I am seriously considering doing it.....but other promised projects have to be completed first.
Please don't forget the due date for our Halloween Ornie swap is the 31rst. Please send me a picture of your entry to cre8orstouh@gmail.com and i will share them with the rest of the group, then i will trade names on the 1rst and let everyone know who their swap partner is.... thanks for being a part of this! Patrick
the dead line for the ornie swap is fast approaching, please send me a picture of your finished ornament so i can share and swap partners on the 1rst..
your enty for the halloween ornie swap picture is due by the 31rst, so if you havent already emailed me a pic, please try to get one to me by tomorrow so i can make a post and swap partners.. please
I am an artist who sculpts figures out of cloth. I learned to sew at a young age thanks to the patience of my grandmother...she also taught me to not just look at things but to actually see them..to look at an object that has been discarded and see it for what it can become...it is with this teaching that I love to play with fabric..old buttons..lace and magickally turn it into a being who says let's play!
Please don't forget the due date for our Halloween Ornie swap is the 31rst.
Please send me a picture of your entry to cre8orstouh@gmail.com and i will share them with the rest of the group, then i will trade names on the 1rst and let everyone know who their swap partner is....
thanks for being a part of this!
the dead line for the ornie swap is fast approaching, please send me a picture of your finished ornament so i can share and swap partners on the 1rst..
your enty for the halloween ornie swap picture is due by the 31rst, so if you havent already emailed me a pic, please try to get one to me by tomorrow so i can make a post and swap partners.. please
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